New Date - April 25th 6PM- Public land for public good in Lower Roxbury- In person!

What do you think should be developed on 4.3 acres of public land in Lower Roxbury? Let's make sure public land is used for public good!

Roxbury residents, join us in attending the BPDA's planning session IN PERSON April 25th at 6pm at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission at 980 Harrison Ave to make sure we have community led planning. This is the BPDA’s 4th time rescheduling so don’t feel crazy if you feel you’ve heard about a new date + cancellation in the past.

Since 2015 we Reclaim Roxbury has secured 1000+ units of affordable housing on public land in Nubian Square to combat gentrification in Roxbury.

In 2018 we won a requirement that on public land in Nubian Sq, 66% of housing units be affordable: 1/3 of housing units must target low and moderate income households & 1/3 must target middle income households.

This public land in Lower Roxbury DOES NOT FALL under our community informed 1/3rd standards, BUT the city says they want public land for public good, and YOUR input on these lots!

Can't show up in person? There will be more meetings.

Also, share your comments with us through the link in our bio and we will make sure the city hears them! Your comments truly count!

Mayor Wu's administration has made a commitment to transforming community development + using public land for public good. We must show up to help inform the process!

Learn more on the BPDA’s website - linked here


Honoring Mel King


Join us in taking action to get truly affordable housing and rent control!